Friday, December 4, 2009

Vintage Elves

Vintage Friday

There are 21 days until Christmas!

I leave you with 21 Vintage Christmas Elves... who doesn't love elves? They're just such adorable l'il buggers :)

Evil little Hitler elf!

The Coke can isn't particularly vintage!

Snow White's elves work part time for Santa....

Elf that works in the "Naughty List Department"!

My favourite!

I plan to wear something similar to this lovely headpiece tomorrow when out shopping for gifts and decorations...

Happy Festive Decorating!


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Easy DIY Christmas decor

All-Things-Creative Wednesday

Even though it hasn't snowed yet here in Toronto I've started to get in the Christmas spirit by watching Holiday movies and spiking my coffee with Bailey's :)

I'm super excited to get our tree this weekend and start to decorate for the season!

Here are some simple DIY Christmas decor ideas I found and I'm determined to use at least one of them!

And this idea will likely be the winner! We don't have French doors, but living in a house that's been converted into apartments we have a few unnecessary doors still hanging around (pun intended) that could be be fancied up and finally made useful ;)

Simple enough, right?

This idea is really adorable :)

This would be slightly more involved as I don't have artist canvases laying around (i.e. would have to buy them), I like how clean and fresh this looks though.

I like the idea of hanging a wreath over painted or papered canvases

If we get another huge tree again this year I may need every last Christmas bulb - but if some happen to be left over this would certainly be another easy project!

Okay, so this person may have gone a little overboard by gift wrapping their whole kitchen! I think I may try this with the splash wall above my stove though. All you need is double-sided tape and Christmas wrap!

This is cute - Christmas bulb shapes cut from felt and cardboard and then decorated with glitter and hung on a silver beaded chain.

Thoughts on any of the above simple DIY projects?
How do you get yourself in the Christmas spirit each year?

Images via BHG
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