Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Beauty is held in the eye of the container ;)

All-Things-Creative Wednesdays
Below are a series of pictures featuring beautiful and simple ways to display arrangements and candles using jars, bottles, jugs, glassware, and non-traditional vases.
I love this idea here of displaying flowers in an old watering can.

So beautiful!
Glasses and teapots are really sweet as flower holders.
Floating petals in the water adds to the overall look of these minimalist arrangements.
I like the use of the wine glass for a candle holder!
A bundle of veggies can make for an interesting bouquet.
I thought this was pretty - don't try plugging it into a lamp though! :)

Incorporating berry branches into a floral arrangement looks darling and innocent.

Take advantage of the gorgeous Autumn leaves before they disappear under snow!

A single daisy in a glass soda bottle or old milk jug looks so pretty.

Very striking...

Again, use the changing seasons to your decorative advantage.

This could be hung on branches of an arrangement like the one above.

Floating mini pumpkins! This could be a great look for the coming American Thanksgiving

Using fruit to anchor an arrangement is such a great idea. It's functional but also adds a pop of colour.

I've done this before and it's great for adding additional citrusy scent to your home as well as additional colour to your bouquet. Use 2 vases that can fit one inside the other. Slice lemons, limes, or oranges. Insert them between the 2 vases and add water!

Jars as votive holders - love it! I'm collecting jars just for this purpose!

Vases don't necessary have to hold flowers all the time - the use of sand, stones, and sticks can make for a great vignet as well.

This would be so beautiful for an informal garden wedding

I love this picture!

Using corn kernels is a really great way to display candles for the Fall/Thanksgiving.

These were discarded paint cans that have been wrapped in fabric - excellent repurposing idea!

These appear to be eggs... interesting look

This vase was made out of an upside down globe light - I call them "Sesame Street Lights" ;)

Decorated vases with glass beads and pearls

What are some other non-traditional ways of displaying flowers and candles you've seen?

What are some other non-traditional objects have you seen in arrangements?

What do you think about using cups, jars, and bottles as vases? I used to use wine bottles as candle holders but stopped once I got older because it seemed too college-student-like... do you think it can pass as grown-up decor again?


Images via: Ashley Whittaker Design, Apartment Therapy, Better Homes and Gardens, Home,, Laura Resen Photography, Trouver, House Beautiful, Oliveaux, DIY, Max Wanger Photography, Shoebox Decor, The White Bench

Monday, November 9, 2009

Silhouette d'élégance

Daily Aesthetic Fix

Modern Gothic

Check out Russel Brand's Hampstead 3 bedroom/3 bath home that is currently up for sale...

I love the glamourous black walls and fabrics!

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